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  1. A long duration of untreated illness (DUI) is an unfavorable prognostic factor in anorexia nervosa (AN) and is associated with chronic illness progression. Although previous preventive measures aimed at reduci...

    Authors: Laurence Reuter, Denise Kästner, Justine Schmidt, Angelika Weigel, Ulrich Voderholzer, Marion Seidel, Bianca Schwennen, Helge Fehrs, Bernd Löwe and Antje Gumz
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:144
  2. The aim of this quality-assessment study was to determine the outcome of patients with severe and extreme anorexia nervosa (AN) in a real-world outpatient setting.

    Authors: Stein Frostad, Simona Calugi, Caroline B. N. Engen and Riccardo Dalle Grave
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:143
  3. Despite common misconceptions, an individual may be seriously ill with a restrictive eating disorder without an outwardly recognizable physical sign of the illness. The aim of this qualitative study was to inv...

    Authors: Kari Eiring, Trine Wiig Hage and Deborah Lynn Reas
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:142
  4. Family-based treatment (FBT) has demonstrated efficacy for anorexia nervosa (AN) in youth in randomized, controlled trials. It is important to assess if it shows a similar effectiveness when implemented in sta...

    Authors: Mette Bentz, Signe Holm Pedersen and Ulla Moslet
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:141
  5. Emotional eating refers to overeating triggered by emotional experiences and may cause significant psychological distress and health problems. Thus, it is important to better understand its underlying mechanis...

    Authors: Hilla Sambal, Cara Bohon and Noam Weinbach
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:140
  6. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is characterized by dysfunctional cognitions including cognitive biases at various levels of information processing. However, less is known about the specificity of these biases, i.e., if...

    Authors: Anca Sfärlea, Linda Lukas, Gerd Schulte-Körne and Belinda Platt
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:139
  7. Burnout is commonly associated with low workplace wellbeing. Patients with eating disorders are frequently referred to as a particularly challenging group to treat. It is therefore important to study healthcar...

    Authors: Trine Wiig Hage, Karin Isaksson Rø and Øyvind Rø
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:138
  8. Body image disturbance is central to both the understanding and treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN); however, the underlying psychological processes involved are still not well understood. One way towards a bet...

    Authors: Hannah Katznelson, Sarah I. F. Daniel, Stig Poulsen, Susanne Lunn, Bernadette Buhl-Nielsen and Jan Magnus Sjögren
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:137
  9. Research on risk factors associated with bulimia nervosa symptoms (BN) in ethnic minorities has been limited. This study adds to the existing literature by providing the ethnicity- and gender-specific prevalen...

    Authors: Vladislav Ruchkin, Johan Isaksson, Mary Schwab-Stone and Andrew Stickley
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:136
  10. To describe the characteristics of the patients, as well as the treatment outcomes for the people treated in an Endocrinology and Nutrition unit with a diagnosis of SE-ED (> 7 years evolution despite evidence-...

    Authors: Ana Piñar-Gutiérrez, Elena Dios-Fuentes, Pablo Remón-Ruiz, Diego Del Can-Sánchez, Antonio Vázquez-Morejón, Marta López-Narbona, Javier Dastis-Rodríguez de Guzmán, Eva Venegas-Moreno and Alfonso Soto-Moreno
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:135
  11. Binge eating disorder is a common eating disorder among the adolescent population. The available literature in the Middle East in general, and Lebanon specifically, is relatively scarce and/or outdated. The ob...

    Authors: Anthony Mina, Souheil Hallit, Radoslaw Rogoza, Sahar Obeid and Michel Soufia
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:134
  12. Cognitive interventions may be effective in weight loss. The purpose of this study was to assess if cognitive reappraisal (CR; reframing the meaning of a stimulus in order to change the resulting emotional res...

    Authors: Lilac Lev-Ari, Hamutal Kreiner and Omer Avni
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:133
  13. Emerging research indicates that binge eating (BE; consuming unusually large amounts of food in one siting while feeling a loss of control) is prevalent among older women. Yet, health correlates of BE in older...

    Authors: Salomé Adelia Wilfred, Carolyn Black Becker, Kathryn E. Kanzler, Nicolas Musi, Sara E. Espinoza and Lisa Smith Kilpela
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:132
  14. Eating disorders have serious psychological and physical consequences. Current evidence-based treatments for adolescents with eating disorders have modest effects, underscoring the need to improve current trea...

    Authors: Emily N. Vogel, Simar Singh and Erin C. Accurso
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:131
  15. Orthorexia Nervosa (ON) is defined as a pathological preoccupation characterized by obsessive beliefs and compulsive behaviors regarding 'pure' eating behaviors. Many scales have been established and display g...

    Authors: Radoslaw Rogoza, Souheil Hallit, Michel Soufia, Friederike Barthels and Sahar Obeid
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:130
  16. Early relapse after inpatient treatment is a serious problem in the management of anorexia nervosa (AN). Specialized aftercare interventions have the potential to bridge the gap between inpatient and outpatien...

    Authors: Katrin E. Giel, Simone C. Behrens, Kathrin Schag, Peter Martus, Stephan Herpertz, Tobias Hofmann, Eva-Maria Skoda, Ulrich Voderholzer, Jörn von Wietersheim, Beate Wild, Almut Zeeck, Ulrike Schmidt, Stephan Zipfel and Florian Junne
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:129
  17. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric disorder with an ego-syntonic nature, causing many patients to perceive their AN as part of their personal identity. Therefore, an important part of treatment is the exte...

    Authors: Marthe M. Voswinkel, Cleo Rijkers, Johannes J. M. van Delden and Annemarie A. van Elburg
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:128
  18. Problems in social cognition and social support contribute to eating disorders (ED). Group therapy provides an ideal format to create an experiential learning environment focused on understanding social intera...

    Authors: Whitney Smith Hagan, Susan Mericle, Bethany J. Hunt, Jessica A. Harper, Jayme M. Palka, Sarah Pelfrey and Carrie J. McAdams
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:127
  19. Despite the availability of effective treatments for bulimia nervosa (BN), a number of barriers to accessibility exist. Examples include access to trained clinicians, the expense of treatment, geographical lim...

    Authors: Sarah Barakat, Stephen Touyz, Danielle Maloney, Janice Russell, Phillipa Hay, Michelle Cunich, Sharyn Lymer, Marcellinus Kim, Sloane Madden, Jane Miskovic-Wheatley and Sarah Maguire
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:126
  20. Women’s eating behaviours and exercise patterns have been found to fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, manifested by premenstrual food cravings and reduced exercise. However, the meaning and consequences of ...

    Authors: Samantha Ryan, Jane M. Ussher and Alexandra Hawkey
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:125
  21. Research has suggested an association between emotion regulation strategies (ERSs) and abnormal eating behaviours/attitudes (AEB), and many studies have examined the association of one particular ERS with AEB....

    Authors: Yasuo Murayama and Aiko Ohya
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:122
  22. It seems to be a truth universally acknowledged that pathways to care for people with eating disorders are inconsistent and difficult to navigate. This may, in part, be a result of the complex nature of the il...

    Authors: Sarah Maguire and Danielle Maloney
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:121
  23. Studies on food cue reactivity have documented that altered responses to high-calorie food are associated with bulimic symptomatology, however, alterations in sexual motivations and behaviors are also associat...

    Authors: Isabel Hernández-Rivero, Jens Blechert, Laura Miccoli, Katharina Naomi Eichin, M. Carmen Fernández-Santaella and Rafael Delgado-Rodríguez
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:120
  24. Unhealthy changes in eating behavior among people experiencing trauma have been observed. There is, however, a lack of in-depth knowledge regarding the impact of the after effects of traumatic life experiences...

    Authors: Grethe Emilie Roer, Heidi Hurlen Solbakken, Dawit Shawel Abebe, Jan Olav Aaseth, Ingeborg Bolstad and Lars Lien
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:119
  25. Eating disorders (ED) are associated with internalized problems (INTP), such as depression and anxiety. Evidence shows that ED and INTP are associated with comorbidities. The relationship between these variabl...

    Authors: Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar, Alfonso Urzúa, Jerome Flores, Daniel Acevedo, Jessica Herrera Lorca and Jenifer Casanova
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:118
  26. Pica as a scavenging behavior represents a serious health hazard to the care of patients with schizophrenia. Despite the rare comorbidity of pica eating disorder and schizophrenia, pica behaviors are relativel...

    Authors: Mohsen Khosravi
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:117
  27. Obesity prevalence has substantially increased in China over the past decade. In China, over 1 in 7 individuals meet the criteria for overall obesity, and 1 in 3 meet the criteria for abdominal obesity, obesit...

    Authors: Hui Zhang, Tong Tong, Ye Gao, Chunguang Liang, Haitao Yu, Sisi Li, Xiangru Yan and Liying Wang
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:116
  28. In this study, we further explore the role of COVID-19 pandemic-related stress, social support, and resilience on self-reported eating disorder symptoms (using the EDE-QS) and perceived weight gain among lesbi...

    Authors: Jennifer Tabler, Rachel M. Schmitz, Ruby Charak and Eliza Dickinson
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:115
  29. The high cost of treatment for anorexia nervosa (AN) and lack of trained specialists have resulted in limited accessibility of effective treatment to patients with AN, which is particularly problematic in Chin...

    Authors: Lian Gu, Yunling Zou, Yue Huang, Qiang Liu, Han Chen and Jue Chen
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:114
  30. To address the gaps in the literature examining eating disorders among males and gender minority youths, a prospective study was designed to assess gender differences in eating disorder symptom presentation an...

    Authors: Jennifer S. Coelho, Janet Suen, Sheila Marshall, Alex Burns, Josie Geller and Pei-Yoong Lam
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:113
  31. Early response to treatment has been shown to be a predictor of later clinical outcomes in eating disorders (EDs). Specifically, early weight gain trajectories in anorexia nervosa (AN) have been shown to predi...

    Authors: A. Austin, M. Flynn, K. L. Richards, H. Sharpe, K. L. Allen, V. A. Mountford, D. Glennon, N. Grant, A. Brown, K. Mahoney, L. Serpell, G. Brady, N. Nunes, F. Connan, M. Franklin-Smith, M. Schelhase…
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:112
  32. There is preliminary evidence to suggest that yoga can be beneficial in reducing anxiety, depression and general eating disorder symptoms in people with Anorexia Nervosa (AN). It is unclear whether the therape...

    Authors: Laura Rizzuto, Phillipa Hay, Melissa Noetel and Stephen Touyz
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:111
  33. Adult eating disorder treatments are hampered by lack of access and limited efficacy. This open-trial study evaluated the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a novel intervention for adults with eating d...

    Authors: Stephanie Knatz Peck, Terra Towne, Christina E. Wierenga, Laura Hill, Ivan Eisler, Tiffany Brown, Emily Han, McKenzie Miller, Taylor Perry and Walter Kaye
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:110
  34. Eating disorders are amongst the deadliest of all mental disorders, however detection and early intervention rates remain extremely low. Current standardised screening questionnaires can be arduous or confront...

    Authors: Emma Bryant, Jane Miskovic-Wheatley, Stephen W. Touyz, Ross D. Crosby, Eyza Koreshe and Sarah Maguire
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:109
  35. Anorexia nervosa is a complex psychiatric illness that includes severe low body weight with cognitive distortions and altered eating behaviors. Brain structures, including cortical thicknesses in many regions,...

    Authors: Brooks B. Brodrick, Adrienne L. Adler-Neal, Jayme M. Palka, Virendra Mishra, Sina Aslan and Carrie J. McAdams
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:108
  36. Some physically active people exercise compulsively, which can be associated with several mental health challenges. Fitness instructors are considered important role models for an active, healthy lifestyle; ye...

    Authors: Christina Gjestvang, Solfrid Bratland-Sanda and Therese Fostervold Mathisen
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:107
  37. Ballet dancers are a risk group for body image (BI) distortion, dissatisfaction and eating disorders (ED), but few studies have investigated these aspects in amateur adult practitioners. This study aimed to ev...

    Authors: Ruty Eulália de Medeiros Eufrásio, Rannapaula Lawrynhuk Urbano Ferreira, Leilane Lílian Araújo Leal, Erikarla Baracho Avelino, Rafaela Nayara da Costa Pelonha, Maria Clara da Cruz Carvalho, Carlos Henrique de Medeiros Torres, Ana Luísa de Sousa Praseres, Marcos de Paiva Lima Filho, Ana Carolina Costa Campos Mota, Adriana Bezerra Nunes, Diana Quitéria Cabral Ferreira, Sancha Helena de Lima Vale and Bruna Leal Lima Maciel
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:106
  38. Anorexia Nervosa is a debilitating illness. While there have been many advancements to treatment protocols and outcomes for people with eating disorders, the field acknowledges there remains considerable room ...

    Authors: Annaleise Robertson and Chris Thornton
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:104
  39. Despite an increased interest in understanding characteristics of long-standing anorexia nervosa (AN), there is a lack of knowledge into the processes that occur with the development and maintenance of the dis...

    Authors: Catherine Broomfield, Paul Rhodes and Stephen Touyz
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:103
  40. Some of the commonly used tools to assess orthorexia nervosa (OrNe) do not allow a meaningful interpretation of the scores or yield mixed results about the dimensions needed to represent orthorexia. Since no a...

    Authors: Souheil Hallit, Juan Ramón Barrada, Pascale Salameh, Hala Sacre, María Roncero and Sahar Obeid
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:102
  41. Eating Disorders pose a serious health risk to individuals. Often, eating disorder symptoms are overlooked when assessing obesity risk. The current cross-sectional study was focused on the search of associatio...

    Authors: Grigory V. Rukavishnikov, Elena V. Verbitskaya, Olga Yu. Vekovischeva, Andrey V. Bobrovsky, Alexander O. Kibitov and Galina E. Mazo
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:100
  42. Family-based treatment (FBT) for anorexia nervosa is an evidence-based treatment, but its effectiveness is untested among socioeconomically disadvantaged and racially diverse youth. Adapting FBT may facilitate...

    Authors: Erin C. Accurso, Karen J. Mu, John Landsverk and Joseph Guydish
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:99
  43. Eating disorders are life-threatening illnesses that commonly affect adolescents. The treatment of individuals with eating disorders can involve slow treatment progression and addressing comorbidities which ca...

    Authors: Jennifer Couturier, Zechen Ma, Liah Rahman and Cheryl Webb
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:98
  44. Hypokalemia is frequently found in patients with anorexia nervosa and sometimes leads to life-threatening conditions. Although their serum potassium levels are considered to further decrease during refeeding,...

    Authors: Michitaka Funayama, Yu Mimura, Taketo Takata, Akihiro Koreki, Satoyuki Ogino, Shin Kurose and Yusuke Shimizu
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2021 9:95

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