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Table 1 V-EDS scores across vegetarian, vegan, and clinical sample subgroups

From: Preliminary identification of clinical cut-off of the vegetarian vegan eating disorder screener (V-EDS) in a community and self-reported clinical sample of vegetarians and vegans


M (SD)

Mdn (IQR)

Test statistic

Vegetarian (n = 221)

8.67 (10.46)

4.00 (11.00)

t(597)  = 1.52, p = 0.129

Vegan (n = 378)

7.39 (9.72)

3.00 (10.00)

Vegetarian with lived eating disorder experience (n = 24)

29.50 (15.33)

31.50 (25.50)

t(49)  = 0.51, p = 0.615

Vegan with lived eating disorder experience (n = 27)

27.44 (13.70)

27.00 (23.00)

Anorexia nervosa (n = 24)

32.50 (11.75)

37.50 (24.25)

t(49)  = 1.97, p = 0.055

Other diagnoses (n = 27)

24.78 (15.70)

26.00 (32.00)