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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of eating disorder symptoms and posttraumatic stress symptoms (M(SD)) by the degree of CVE among 2612 adolescent students

From: Longitudinal associations between community violence exposure, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and eating disorder symptoms


Degree of CVE



n = 565 (21.6%)


n = 1141 (43.7%)


n = 906 (34.7%)

Eating disorder thoughts

1.65 (2.14)

1.88 (2.22)

1.94 (2.20)

Eating disorder compensatory behaviors

0.48 (1.10)

0.53 (1.06)

0.80 (1.46)

Posttraumatic stress symptoms

16.62 (11.18)

20.42 (11.59)

27.19 (14.33)

  1. The values presented are not adjusted for the list of covariates
  2. CVE Community violence exposure, M mean, SD standard deviation