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Table 3 Phase 4 participant demographic characteristics

From: Development and preliminary validation of a novel eating disorder screening tool for vegetarians and vegans: the V-EDS



(n = 650)


(n = 245)


(n = 405)



M (SD)

34.3 (11.0)

34.2 (10.9)

34.4 (11.2)

t(648) = −0.18, p = .855


% female (n)

84.8 (551)

86.1 (211)

84.0 (340)

χ2(4) = 0.92, p = .922


M (SD)

24.5 (5.3)

25.2 (6.1)

24.1 (11.2)

t(647) = 2.55, p = .011*


% Australian (n)

45.1 (293)

41.6 (102)

47.2 (191)

χ2(7) = 13.15, p = .068


% no religion (n)

82.6 (537)

79.2 (194)

84.7 (343)

χ2(10) = 16.89, p = .077


% ≥ Bachelors (n)

68.9 (448)

73.9 (181)

65.9 (267)

H(1) = 7.37, p = .007**

Eating disorder diagnosis

% (n)

13.6 (139)

12.7 (55)

14.1 (84)

χ2(2) = 2.16, p = .34

Mental health diagnosis

% (n)

40.8 (265)

40.4 (99)

41.0 (166)

χ2(1) = 0.02, p = .884

V-EDS Global

Med (IQR)

4.0 (13.0)

5.0 (16.0)

4.0 (11.0)

H(1) = 5.06, p = .025*

  1. **p < .01, *p < .05. Independent samples t-test or Mann–Whitney U test with main effect of dietary group was used to evaluate continuous and ordinal dependent variables; Chi-square test of independence for categorical row variables. Gender = male, female, non-binary, prefer not to disclose, prefer to self-describe; Ethnicity = English, Irish, Scottish, Italian, German, Chinese, Australian, other; Religion = no religion, Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church, Presbyterian, Buddhism, Islam, Greek Orthodox, Baptist, Hinduism, other; Education = Doctoral degree, Master’s degree, Bachelor’s degree with Honours/Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate, Bachelor’s degree, Diploma/Advanced Diploma, Trade or Certificate III/IV, Certificate I/II, Year 12/Secondary School Certificate, Year 11 or below, other; Eating disorder diagnosis levels = yes current diagnosis, yes previous diagnosis, no; Mental health diagnosis = yes, no