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Table 3 Discharge disposition of total and first-time ED hospitalizations among children and youth (5–17 years), Canada (excl. QC), 2010/11 to 2022/23

From: Eating disorder hospitalizations among children and youth in Canada from 2010 to 2022: a population-based surveillance study using administrative data


Anorexia Nervosa

Atypical Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa




N (%)

Total cases

Discharged homeÆš

8 554 (88.9)

443 (90.4)

1 471 (88.7)

1 696 (91.3)

4 509 (88.1)

16 673 (89.0)

Transferred to inpatient hospital careǂ

729 (7.6)

27 (5.5)

113 (6.8)

90 (4.8)

365 (7.1)

1 324 (7.1)

Left against medical advice

198 (2.1)

8 (1.6)

34 (2.0)

29 (1.6)

100 (2.0)

369 (2.0)

Transferred to continuing care§

103 (1.1)

9 (1.8)

41 (2.5)

42 (2.3)

107 (2.1)

331 (1.8)

Emergency department or ambulatory care¶

11 (0.1)

1–4 (< 5.0)

0 (0.0)

1–4 (< 5.0)

1–4 (< 5.0)

12 (0.1)


22 (0.2)

1–4 (< 5.0)

0 (0.0)

1–4 (< 5.0)

34 (0.7)

31 (0.2)

First-time cases

 Discharged homeƚ

5 248 (91.2)

284 (93.4)

871 (90.8)

1 252 (92.5)

3 382 (89.3)

11 037 (90.8)

 Transferred to inpatient hospital careǂ

345 (6.0)

8 (2.6)

50 (5.2)

57 (4.2)

226 (6.0)

686 (5.6)

 Left against medical advice

106 (1.8)

7 (2.3)

22 (2.3)

25 (1.8)

89 (2.3)

249 (2.0)

 Transferred to continuing care§

32 (0.6)

1–4 (< 5.0)

15–19 (< 5.0)

20 (1.5)

86 (2.3)

156 (1.3)

 Emergency department or ambulatory care¶

5–9 (< 5.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

1–4 (< 5.0)

8 (0.1)


16 (0.3)

1–4 (< 5.0)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

1–4 (< 5.0)

23 (0.2)

  1. Data source: Discharge Abstract Database 2010/2011–2022/23
  2. Abbreviations: ED, Eating disorder
  3. Æš Discharged to a private home with supports from the community at home or referred to services, or discharged to a private home without any supports or referrals
  4. Ç‚ Includes patients transferred to other acute care within the current facility or to another facility
  5. §Includes forms of continuing care such as long-term care facility, palliative care, residential or group/support living or addiction treatment centre where medical care may continue to be provided by medical staff
  6. ¶ Includes transfers to reporting facility or another facility for emergency or ambulatory care
  7. # Includes those who died (n < 5) and those who did not return from pass or leave
  8. Notes: Hospitalization data with small counts between one and four as well as percentages that would allow for derivation of small counts have been presented as a range