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Table 3 The table reports the relationship between the ΔGlobal Severity Index, with the selected Δ from the other questionnaires

From: Short-term effects of a multidisciplinary inpatient intensive rehabilitation treatment on body image in anorexia nervosa


ΔGlobal Severity Index (BUT)

ΔEating Concerns Composite (EDI-3)

(r = .779, n = 72, p < .001*)

ΔGlobal score PGWBI

(r = -.531, n = 72, p < .001*)

ΔObsessive-compulsive (SCL-90)

(r = .300, n = 72, p = .010*)

ΔDepression (SCL-90)

(r = .340, n = 72, p = .004*)

ΔAnxiety (SCL-90)

(r = .377, n = 72, p = .001*)

ΔGlobal indices of distress (SCL-90)

(r = .348, n = 72, p = .003*)

  1. *Indicates a significant difference