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Table 2 Factor loadings of the exploratory factor analyses for women and men

From: Translation and validation of a Chinese version of the body talk scale for women and men


Women (n = 150)

Men (n = 150)

Negative fat talk

Positive body talk

Negative muscle talk

Negative fat talk

Positive body talk

Negative muscle talk

1. I need to lose some weight


− .01

− .04



− .13

2. I feel fat


− .11

− .08


− .16

− .07

3. My clothes are too tight


− .10

− .02


− .05


4. I should stop eating fattening foods







5. I need to exercise more so I can lose some weight







6. I wish I was more muscular

− .09

− .14



− .07


7. I wish my body were stronger

− .03



− .04

− .02


8. I should eat foods that promote muscle growth


− .02


− .13

− .05


9. I need to lift weights more often to build muscle







10. I like the way I look

− .15


− .05

− .08


− .07

11. I feel good about my body

− .21





− .12

12. I am proud of what my body can do

− .02



− .05



13. I am happy with my eating habits

− .08


− .07

− .08


− .06

14. I am satisfied with my exercise habits







Inter-factor correlation matrix


Negative fat talk





Positive body talk

− .43



− .36



Negative muscle talk





− .18


  1. Factor loadings in bold are loadings greater than .40