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Table 3 Differences in pre-treatment characteristics, treatment details, post-treatment symptoms between those who achieved 95% of expected body weight at EOT and those who did not, in 52 female adolescents received FBT for AN

From: Effects of family-based treatment on adolescent outpatients treated for anorexia nervosa in the Eating Disorder Unit of Helsinki University Hospital


%EBW ≥ 95 n = 32

%EBW < 95 n = 20

Statistical significance of the difference

Psychiatric comorbidity, n(%)

9 (28.1%)

5 (25.0%)

p = 1.00*

Time(months) before FBT, mean (SD)

13,38 (8.86)

13.15 (7.08)

p = 0.92**

Living in intact family, n (%)

25 (78.1%)

16 (80.0%)

p = 1.00*

Previous treatment for AN,n (%)

12 (37.5%)

5 (25.0%)

p = 0.38*

Psychiatric medication, n (%)

10 (31.3%)

5 (25.0%)

p = 0.76*

Pre-treatment %EBW,mean (SD)

86.9 (8.61)

76.9 (3.58)

t(df) = 4.891(50)**, p < 0.001, d = 1.52

Pre-treatment obsessive exercise, n (%)

23 (71.9%)

9 (45.0%)

p = 0.05*

FBT sessions number,mean (SD)

15.75 (7.99)

14.60 (6.28)

p = 0.56**

Early weight gain, mean (SD)

3.28 (2.71)

2.96 (1.74)

p = 0.65**

Total weight gain,


mean (SD)

10.71 (4.77)

6.14 (1.96)

t(df) = 4.066(50)**, p < 0.001,d = 1.25

Regular menses at EOT, n (%)

21 (65.7%)

7 (35.0%)

X2(df) = 5.160(1)***,p = 0.04,φ = 0.32

Need for other treatment during FBT, n (%)

11 (34.4%)

6 (30.0%)

p = 1.00*

Need for further treatment at EOT, n (%)

17 (53.1%)

13 (65.0%)

p = 0.56*

Depression symptoms at the EOT, n (%)

9 (28.1%)

3 (15.0%)

p = 0.33*

Anxiety at EOT, n (%)

13 (40.6%)

10 (50.00%)

p = 0.57*

Dietary restrictions at the EOT, n (%)

3 (9.4%)

9 (45.0%)

X2(df) = 8.265(1)***, p < 0.01,φ = 0.41

No symptoms of an eating disorder at EOT, n (%)

26 (81.3%)

9 (45%)

X2(df) = 7.209(1)***, p < 0.01,φ = 0.38

  1. * Fisher’s Exact test; ** Student’s Independent Samples T-Test; t = Student’s t, df = degree of freedom; Cohen’s d used to assess the Effect Size; ***Chi Square Test; X2 = Chi Square, (df) = degree of freedom, Phi (φ) used to assess the Effect Size