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Table 1 Convergent validity correlations (zero-order)

From: Validation of the adolescent binge eating disorder measure (ADO-BED) among transgender youth and young adults


M (SD)








1. ADO-BED total

2.54 (3.24)


2. SCOFF Total

0.75 (1.09)




3. NIAS Total

14.22 (9.50)





4. BMI

25.32 (8.09)






5. BMI Percentile (sex)

66.74 (31.09)







6. BMI Percentile (gender)

65.53 (31.51)



− .012





7. PHQ-9

9.41 (6.05)








8. GAD-7

9.14 (6.26)








  1. *p < .05, **p < .01. ADO-BED adolescent binge eating disorder; SCOFF sick, control, one stone, fat, food; NIAS nine-item avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder screen; BMI body mass index; BMI percentile (sex) body mass index percentile for sex assigned at birth; BMI percentile (gender): body mass index percentile for gender identity; PHQ-9 patient health questionnaire 9; GAD-7 generalized anxiety disorder 7. BMI was calculated using clinic-measured height and weight. Among youth ages 12–19, BMI% was also reported using the boy or girl growth chart consistent with sex assigned at birth if the patient was on puberty blockers, and/or not on hormone therapy. For patients who were on HT, BMI% was reported using both growth charts. Among young adults ages 20–22, BMI was reported and did not require sex-specific interpretation