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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of sample (n = 138) and cognitive flexibility, central coherence, and quality of life data

From: Cognitive flexibility, central coherence, and quality of life in anorexia nervosa


M (SD) or % (n)

Age (years)

25.32 (7.93)

Gender (% women)

98 (135)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

14.42 (1.83)


3.69 (1.44)

AN subtype (% restricting)

72 (99)

WCST nr. of perserative errors

7.18 (3.99)

TMT trial B (seconds)

83.55 (42.42)

NTincongruent global

607.46 (500.40)

NTglobal interference

43.12 (128.46)

NTlocal interference

61.92 (284.30)

DFlexcognitive rigidity

43.96 (10.34)

DFlexattention to detail

49.09 (9.93)


25.10 (7.76)

  1. AN = Anorexia Nervosa; EDE-Q = Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, EDE-Q data were available from 134 patients; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (number of perseverative errors), WCST data were available from 119 patients; TMT = Trail Making Test (time for trail B), TMT data were available from 137 patients; NT = Navon Task, NT data were available from 108 patients; DFlex = Detail and Flexibility Questionnaire; ELI = Essen Quality of Life-Index for Eating Disorders