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Table 3 Mean scores (with standard deviations) on eating disorder and psychiatric symptom measures at Time 1 and Time 2

From: Gender differences in symptom presentation and treatment outcome in children and youths with eating disorders


Males (n = 20)

Females (n = 20)

Trans (n = 6)

Eating disorder examination-questionnaire (EDE-Q)a


 Time 1

2.34 (1.59)

2.99 (1.83)

4.52 (1.22)

 Time 2

0.72 (0.91)

2.14 (1.94)

3.62 (1.61)

Male body attitudes scale (MBAS)


Not reported (given concerns with internal consistency)

 Time 1

36.80 (13.71)

39.30 (12.11)


 Time 2

29.19 (10.10)

38.90 (15.16)


Obligatory exercise questionnaire (OEQ)


 Time 1

44.97 (15.52)

46.92 (17.52)

51.50 (17.42)

 Time 2

33.90 (7.57)

42.74 (17.83)

45.67 (19.57)

Body change inventory (BCI)


 Time 1

41.85 (12.46)

46.50 (20.51)

55.17 (9.26)

 Time 2

28.62 (10.77)

39.80 (16.49)

46.33 (22.64)

Centre for epidemiological studies-depression scale (CES-D)


 Time 1

20.51 (14.10)

29.15 (13.28)

44.50 (6.50)

 Time 2

10.40 (8.26)

23.15 (15.99)

39.50 (16.10)

Obsessive–compulsive inventory-child version (OCI-CV)a


 Time 1

9.00 (7.09)

15.24 (8.48)

20.33 (9.67)

 Time 2

6.53 (7.48)

14.65 (12.24)

17.50 (7.45)

  1. aThere were missing data on the EDE-Q and OCI-CV for some participants. A total of 19 males and 18 females completed the EDE-Q at both Time 1 and Time 2, and 19 males completed the OCI-CV at both time points