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Table 2 Illustrating quotes for facilitators and barriers at the interaction of individuals with AN and their social environment

From: Facilitators and barriers in anorexia nervosa treatment initiation: a qualitative study on the perspectives of patients, carers and professionals

F + B

(Not) recognizing and addressing

“I think it really helped me that somebody saw it and then said to me that this is really a disorder.” (P-709)

“My friends reflected on these things and said, “[Patients name], this is not normal!”. Then my mind had to admit that this could be true. I think about it. Reluctantly, but I will.” (P-249)


Non-understanding of AN as an illness or of the need for treatment

“It was that they all [patient’s family] thought I had chosen this disorder […] and I can turn it off and then it’s gone. But it does not work that way. It came gradually and it does not go away simply like pushing a button. And they did not understood this.” (P-765)


Exchange, support, concern, understanding

“And I talked a lot about eating, about these issues with my mother and […] I could basically tell her everything about that and also my worries and my concerns. And I do think that this was not so easy for my mother to hear all this […]. But at least she tried to stay calm and to deal with that in a good way […]. This is what helped me.”(P-989)


Positive role models for treatment

Interviewer: “Well, my very last question. If you look back on the whole interview and on all the topics we touched, what would you say, makes it easier for people with anorexia to start treatment?”

Patient: “I think, well, I would say talking to others and I would say talking a lot to other persons, who went already through this process, I believe. Because they […] can encourage you and they can tell, that it wasn’t that bad, or well how they experienced it.” (P-771)

F + B

(No) reminding of, making of or accompanying to appointments

“… and if you don’t have this sturdiness. This never ending “I will call again” […]. They were already annoyed with me, but it was useful. She then got the place from 1 day to the other.” (C-194)

“For sure, I would say if it were not for my family, I would not have been there. I would not have managed it to do the steps on my own. My husband organized everything. It was clear to me, that I needed it, but … calling, driving there, I would not have done that.” (P-966)


Suggesting or encouraging to seek treatment

“We just told her, that she really needs help and professional help, because we are stuck.” (C-142)

„ … I have also motivated her that she keeps going through with her idea […] to go […] in this clinic. And I really motivated her to actually do that, because I thought it was so right.” (C-194)

F + B

(Not) living, being, eating alone

“… basically only if you are all the time together with her, you could see that it is really nothing she is eating.” (C-249)

  1. Note. F facilitator, B barrier, P patient, AN anorexia nervosa, C carer