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Table 1 Anthropometrics and EAT-26 scores (N = 400)

From: Disordered eating attitudes correlate with body dissatisfaction among Kuwaiti male college students

Independent variables


n (%) or M (SD)

EAT-26 categories

At risk of disordered eating attitudes (n = 185, 46.2%)

Not at risk of disordered eating attitudes (n = 215, 53.8%)

t(d.f.), p, d or χ2 test

Age (years)

21.9 (3.2)

22.1 (3.18)

21.76 (3.2)

1.07 (398), .28, .106

Self-reported weight (kg)

79 (16.9)

81.75 (17.6)

76.64 (15.9)

3.04 (398), .002, .304

Self-reported height (cm)

174.8 (7)

175.17 (6.99)

174.56 (7.0)

0.85 (398), .391, .087

Body mass index (BMI)

25.8 (5.3)

26.6 (5.7)

25.1 (4.9)

2.9 (398), .004, .174

BMI category (n)


(BMI < 18.5)

19 (4.8%)

6 (3.2%)

13 (6%)

χ2(3) = 9.39, p < .024

 Normal weight

(18.5 ≤ BMI ≤ 24.9)

178 (44.5%)

71 (38.4%)

107 (49.8%)


(25 ≤ BMI ≤ 29.9)

132 (33%)

67 (36.2%)

65 (30.2%)

 Obese (BMI ≥ 30)

71 (17.8%)

41 (22.2%)

30 (14%)

Eating attitudes

 EAT-26 (total score)

20.4 (14.1)

32.7 (10.8)

9.87 (5.1)

27.58 (398), .004, .80

 EAT-26 Dieting (score)

10.99 (8.0)

17.8 (6.0)

5.1 (3.8)

25.5 (398), < .001, .78

 EAT-26 Bulimia (score)

3.85 (3.9)

6.6 (3.96)

1.48 (1.8)

17.1 (398), < .001, .56

 EAT-26 Oral control (score)

5.6 (4.28)

8.3 (4.12)

3.27 (2.8)

14.5 (398), < .001, .58

Nationality (n)


339 (84.8%)

162 (87.6%)

177 (82.3%)

χ2(1) = 2.11, p < .146


61 (15.3%)

23 (12.4%)

38 (17.7%)

University type (n)


200 (50%)

85 (45.9%)

115 (53.5%)

χ2(1) = 2.26, p < .160


200 (50%)

100 (54.1%)

100 (56.5%)

Major field of study (n)


200 (50%)

77 (41.6%)

123 (57.2%)

χ2(1) = 9.66, p < .003


200 (50%)

108 (58.4%)

92 (42.8%)

Muscle mass satisfaction (n)


131 (32.8%)

58 (31.4%)

73 (34%)

χ2(2) = 5.54, p < .063

 Desire to increase

230 (57.5%)

102 (55.1%)

128 (59.5%)

 Desire to decrease

39 (9.8%)

25 (13.5%)

14 (6.5%)

Body fat satisfaction (n)


124 (31%)

46 (24.9%)

78 (36.3%)

χ2(2) = 9.48, p < .009

 Desire to increase

45 (11.2%)

17 (9.2%)

28 (13%)

 Desire to decrease

231 (57.8%)

122 (65.9%)

109 (50.2%)

  1. EAT-26 = Eating Attitudes Test. Pearson’s chi-squared test was used to compare the prevalence of the risk of disordered eating between groups in relation to BMI category, nationality, type of university, and major field of study