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Table 1 Summary of Exploratory Factor Analysis Results for Makeup Questionnaire using Maximum Likelihood Estimation

From: Development and validation of makeup and sexualized clothing questionnaires


Factor Loadings


MUQ Unconfident

MUQ Unease

MUQ3. If I do not have makeup on, I feel less attractive.



MUQ6. Makeup makes me more attractive.



MUQ5. If I do not have makeup on, I feel less competent.



MUQ4. I feel comfortable not wearing makeup to run errands (e.g., grocery store).



MUQ1. I feel comfortable not wearing makeup to school.



MUQ2. I do not leave the house without any makeup on.



MUQ7. I believe women who are not wearing makeup are less attractive.






% of variance



  1. Promax rotation was applied. Factor loadings in bold reflect items retained. N = 403