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Table 1 MEDLINE search strategy

From: Does level of motivation for change impact post-treatment outcomes in the eating disorders? Protocol for a systematic review with quantitative analysis

1. eating disorders/

2. anorexia nervosa/

3. bulimia nervosa/

4. anorexia/

5. bulimia/

6. Binge-Eating Disorder/

7. eating disorder*or disordered

8. anorexi*.mp.

9. bulimi*.mp.

10. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9

11. motivation/


13. motiv*.mp.

14. preparation for

15. 11 or 12 or 13 or 14

16. treatment outcome/

17. treatment refusal/

18. patient dropout/

19. patient compliance/

20. weight gain/

21. outcome*.mp.

22. prognos*.mp.

23. (comply* or complied or compliant or complianc*).mp.

24. (dropout* or drop* out*).mp.

25. (refuse* or refusal* or refusing).mp.

26. (purging or purge* or binge* or binging or restrict* or compensatory behavi* or exercis* or laxative*).mp.

27. abstinen*.mp.

28. recover*.mp.

29. remission*.mp.

30. nutritional

31. weight gain*.mp.

32. weight

33. treatment respons*.mp.

34. response* to treatment*.mp.

35. treatment

36. adherence to treatment*.mp.

37. or/16–36

38. 10 and 15 and 37