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Table 1 Specific examples of cited causes of eating disorders

From: Perceptions of the causes of eating disorders: a comparison of individuals with and without eating disorders

Coded Category


Traumatic life events

Sexual assault, college entry, abuse

Family problems

Comments from family, pressure from parents, need for praise, conversations about weight

Social problems

Bad romantic relationship or break-up, pressure from peers, teasing, social isolation

Psychological and emotional problems

Stress, depression, anxiety, need for control, perfectionism, low self-esteem

Genetics and biology

History of eating disorders in family, chemical imbalance in the brain

Media and culture ideals

Thin ideal images and messages

Sports and health

Gymnastics or dance, health or exercise class, desire to be healthy, lack of knowledge about nutrition

Body image and eating

Drive for thinness, unhappiness with appearance, feeling overweight or unattractive, distorted image