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Table 2 Energy expenditure of AN compared with controls

From: Impact of exercise on energy metabolism in anorexia nervosa


Anorexia nervosa (AN)



n = 12

n = 12


M ± SD

M ± SD

Resting energy expenditure (REE, kJ/24h)

4457.0 ± 745.7

5885.5 ± 630.3


REE adjusted for body surface area, SA (kJ*m-2*24-1)

3258.2 ± 450.9

3475.2 ± 195.2


REE adjusted for lean body mass, LBM (kJ*kg-1*24h-1)

129.9 ± 16.5

135.4 ± 6.6


Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE, kJ/24h)

7546.1 ± 2660.6

9741.1 ± 2237.1



AN High exercisers

AN Low exercisers



n = 7

n = 5

n = 12

M ± SD

M ± SD

M ± SD

REE (kJ/24h)

5218 ± 1166.9

3991.5 ± 546.8

5885,4 ± 630,3

2c, 3a,

REE adjusted for SA (kJ*m-2*24-1)

3761.8 ± 479.1

2968.4 ± 318.3

3475.2 ± 195.2

2c, 3b

REE adjusted for LBM (kJ*kg-1*24h-1)

146.0 ± 13.7

119.7 ± 12.6

135.4 ± 6.6

2b, 3b

TDEE (kJ/24h)

8706.9 ± 1875.7

4619,2 ± 946.7

9741.1 ± 2237.1

2c, 3a,

  1. Values are expressed as means (M) ± standard deviations (SD). aREE calculated according to the Harris-Benedict equation.
  2. a = P<0.05, b = P<0.01, c = P<0.001, n.s. = not significant.
  3. 1 = AN high exercisers vs. controls, 2 = AN low exercisers vs. controls, 3 = AN low exercisers vs. AN high exercisers.