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Table 4 Clinical characteristics endorsed by respondents with a positive ARFID screen

From: Prevalence, characteristics, and correlates of probable avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder among adult respondents to the National Eating Disorders Association online screen: a cross-sectional study

Clinical feature endorsed

N (%)

Lack of interest in eating

1902 (80.0%)

Food sensory avoidance

1317 (55.4%)

Avoidance due to fear of negative consequences

732 (30.8%)

Combinations of clinical features endorsed

N (%)

Lack of interest in eating only

632 (26.6%)

Food sensory avoidance only

101 (4.2%)

Avoidance due to fear of negative consequences only

71 (3.0%)

Lack of interest in eating and food sensory avoidance

1165 (49.0%)

Lack of interest in eating and avoidance due to fear of negative consequences

610 (25.7%)

Food sensory avoidance and avoidance due to fear of negative consequences

556 (23.4%)

Lack of interest in eating and food sensory avoidance and avoidance due to fear of negative consequences

505 (21.2%)