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Table 4 Multivariable analysis of factors associated with Eating Habits Questionnaire scores (R2 = .119)

From: Profiling orthorexia nervosa in young adults: the role of obsessive behaviour, perfectionism, and self-esteem


Unstandardized Beta

Standardized Beta


95% CI

Country (Italy vs Poland*)

− 1.47

− .07


− 3.05; .11

Country (Lebanon vs Poland*)



 < .001

1.81; 4.97

Cluster 2 vs Cluster 1*




− .89; 1.90

Cluster 3 vs Cluster 1*



 < .001

2.82; 6.25

Smoking (yes vs no*)

− .86

− .04


− 2.36; .65

Alcohol drinking (yes vs no*)

− .83

− .04


− 2.13; .47

Body mass Index




− .05; .27

  1. *Reference group; numbers in bold indicate significant p values