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Table 4 Quotations from participants in primary studies illustrating each theme

From: Parents’ perspectives of anorexia nervosa treatment in adolescents: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative data


Sub theme

Quotes from studies

1. Understanding the child and the disease

Initial reaction to diagnosis

“Oh my God, she is really ill” [28]

“I was appalled by her skin and bones appearance” [20]

“The initial diagnosis came out of the blue” [31]

“…I suppose really would be the initial stage of shock, we found it very hard”

“… it’s the worst thing ever and its happening under your nose…” [27]

“I thought it was for attention. I thought it was a phase. I had no idea how serious.” [43]


“I didn’t see the beginning of anorexia for a while” [29]

“I felt I should have picked up on it earlier” [23]

“I felt this happened to other people that weren’t as good parents as we were” [45]

“I should have been more watchful” “did we not pay enough attention?” [33]

“I was really busy going to university and as well as work…when I realised that she wasn’t eating that was just a shock; I just felt guilt” [42]

“I wonder, did I do anything wrong? Did I show that [pause] well I probably showed that I didn’t like my body” [44]


“We’d failed as parents” [33]

“I felt helpless” [45]

“…I kind of think that nothing I do helps really” [26]

“I was…often crying a lot..” [28]

“…she needs help in a way that she doesn’t know she needs…There is no meaning” [43]

“There was nothing we could do after trying 10 different types of treatments” [36]

“A mother’s heart bleeds when I see how she treats her sister, but what can I do?” [40]

Loneliness and stigma

“It was just me and her…” [26]

“It is lonely… friends were frightened to come…” [28]

“..we’d go out for meals with people.. that’s stopped because.. she found it difficult” [23]

“If he had cancer or a surgery, my friends would have called” [43]

“My brother, I have the intention to talk to him about it during the holidays, but he doesn’t know about it yet” [44]

2. Experience of services and treatment modalities

Help seeking

“… the initial contact with the GP is not great…” “They need to understand it’s not just about the weight…” [31]

“If I were to express any misgivings, it will be about the time it took to get a referral from her GP to CAMHS…” [30]

“I went to her doctor who was an old doctor…..and…. he just totally dismissed her” [27]

“He said that I was making too much fuss and you know she was a teenager and she was fine…” [28]

“…well you can’t be anorexic because you’re actually eating” [21]

“I’m still cross that the GP hadn’t confirmed it early on…” [23]

Experience of treatment modalities: Positive experiences


“We were a joint force” “It developed an openness that hadn’t been there before” “…as a family we’ve grown a lot closer…” [45]

“I think it has been good for both fathers and mothers…” [29]

“…I think the kids found it quite useful because they could say what they’d been bottling up for a long time…” [21]

“…we can discuss those unhappy things. I feel good about it” [25]

“Some things you can only talk about with others who experienced it” [31]

“Attending the parenting courses was very helpful…” (Nilsen 2021)

On home therapy:

“I felt energised…” [26]


“…if it came from my child, I would not have understood. I understood better through the words of another young person” [34]

“…seeing…[what] people had triumphed over or their views being slightly different was quite…interesting and helpful” [35]

Experience of treatment modalities: Negative experiences


“The focus seems to be all on the food aspect” [21]

“Really what you need is someone who sees the whole person…” [30]

“…they didn’t appear to be doing very much or to be talking about the whys and wherefores” [24]

“When things aren’t going well, you kind of blame yourself” [33]

“When we were on our own… we could have been more honest” [21]

“I really don’t know where you could find family therapists that specialize in treating anorexia in Hong Kong…such kind of support is totally unavailable” [36]

On in-patient treatment:

“there was a lot of moping around….” [21]

“How thin must one become to receive treatment? Actually, she lost weight just to meet their BMI criteria” [40]

Compulsory treatment/control

“…I think if their life is at risk… someone has to make the decision…” [22]

“…She isn’t strong enough to make a decision about her” [21]

“If you give treatment in early stages… you are prolonging the time they can get well” [21]

“I think if someone is going to starve themselves to the point where they are dying… you must be allowed to die quietly, kindly” [22]

“I think probably it was good for her to know that somebody else was in control…” [23]

“…you don’t have much choice, because in any case you don’t know what to do any more.” [37]

3. The role of professionals

Helpful attributes: availability

“She (paediatrician) was there at our beck and call….. she said, ‘I’ll do whatever you need” [21]


“…. He (psychiatrist) just kind of saved us in a way” [21]

“…the key to her improvement…she trusted her therapist completely…” [26]

Sensitivity and competence

“She (therapist) would calm us down…” [31]

“When things were really bad (the professional)… was wonderful” [23]

Unhelpful attributes: lack of feedback and poor communication

“…something would happen and I’d think, how do I approach it?…” [21]

“…there wasn’t any other feedback other than ‘oh well that’s difficult’…” [24]

“…in hospital no one spoke to us…” [24]

“…they had never told me that they had a treatment plan…” [36]

Poor communication between professionals

“…sometimes nurses don’t know about a decision the consultant had made…” [21]

“If I try to consult all types of healthcare professionals…I would have to explain everything from beginning when I meet each of them…what they said…were inconsistent” [36]

Rigidity among professionals

“She (therapist) had a framework she wanted to fit us in…” [21]

Being undermined

“…my husband and I found the psychiatrist condescending…” [24]

“…we were scolded by the psychiatrist…He thought that we didn’t care about our daughter” [36]

Negative attitudes

“I do feel that many clinicians (not necessarily ED specialists) believe that parents cause eating disorders” [30]

“I felt very judged… at a time in my life when the core thing I needed was support” [31]

“Even treatment professionals question whether I caused this disorder” [43]


Limited knowledge

“…nutritionists were quite unfamiliar with the disease…They only asked her to eat because she looked skinny” [36]

“I [still] couldn’t get any local, knowledgeable, experienced care for my son…I think that our medical community could use real serious [education]” [43]

4. The experience of recovery

Changes in the adolescent

“…she talked about wanting to get a job…” [29]

“She has matured …and now wants to get better” [27]

“…She is more flexible and open about changes and new activities” [39]

“She’s been very relaxed over the past week… whereas she wasn’t at all before, she was self-centred” [38]

Uncertainty about the future

“It’s all unknown” “I hope she’s ok”[21]

“What on earth is going to happen next with this..?”[24]

“…..not knowing that is the hardest of it…”[33]

“Like if he goes out in the worl, will he be prepared? Will he be able to handle himself? We keep thinking, ‘Is he going to grow out of it?’” [43]

“I thought the transition was a bit sudden, you know, with her coming home and having to return to school and then having to cope with everything.” [38]

Experience of relapse

“…deteriorating before our eyes…” “I find it quite depressing…” [21]

“…taking one step forward and then three back…” [32]

“… to accept relapses was difficult. To accept that it didn’t go according to the pace I had hoped…” [44]