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Table 2 Eating disorder symptoms and body mass index by time, for female participants (n = 703)

From: Eating disorder symptom trajectories in adolescence: effects of time, participant sex, and early adolescent depressive symptoms


14 yrs

17 yrs

20 yrs


Body mass index (M [SD])

21.49 (4.16)a

23.11 (4.51)b

24.37 (5.21)c


Global symptoms (M [SD])

0.61 (0.54)a

0.82 (0.64)b

0.66 (0.50)a


Objective binge eating (% yes)

38.5% (n = 271)a

36.8% (n = 259)

43.4% (n = 305)b


Purging (% yes)

3.7% (n = 26)a

13.5% (n = 95)b

14.0% (n = 98)b


Fasting (% yes)

16.4% (n = 115)a

26.5% (n = 186)b

19.5% (n = 137)a


Dietary rules (% yes)

33.6% (n = 236)

35.0% (n = 246)

41.0% (n = 288)


Hard exercise (% yes)

56.8% (n = 399)a

64.2% (n = 451)b

69.4% (n = 488)b


  1. Note. Global symptoms refer to a global index of dietary restraint and eating, weight and shape concerns.
  2. p values and column subscripts denote significant differences over time, as identified through generalised estimating equations or linear mixed models. Columns with different subscripts differ significantly at p < .05.
  3. a,b,c indicate significant differences over time.