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  1. This longitudinal community study investigated the role of individual risk factors in early childhood (before age five) for the development of eating problems in adolescence. Nine hundred twenty-one mothers co...

    Authors: Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, Tilmann von Soest and Leila Torgersen
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:35
  2. Engaging patients with an eating disorder in change is difficult and intensive treatment programs have high drop-out rates. The purpose of the study was to determine whether Motivational Interviewing (MI) in t...

    Authors: Carmen V Weiss, Jennifer S Mills, Henny A Westra and Jacqueline C Carter
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:34
  3. Adolescence is a period of developmental risk for eating disorders and eating disorder symptoms. This study aimed to describe the prevalence and trajectory of five core eating disorder behaviours (binge eating...

    Authors: Karina L Allen, Ross D Crosby, Wendy H Oddy and Susan M Byrne
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:32
  4. DSM-IV eating disorder (ED) diagnoses have been criticized for lack of clinical utility, diagnostic instability, and over-inclusiveness of the residual category “ED not otherwise specified” (EDNOS). Revisions ...

    Authors: Kerstin Ekeroth, David Clinton, Claes Norring and Andreas Birgegård
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:31
  5. The HOPE (Helping to Outline Paediatric Eating Disorders) Project is an ongoing registry study made up of a sequential cross-sectional sample prospectively recruited over 17 years, and is designed to answer em...

    Authors: Hunna J Watson, Julie McCormack, Kimberley J Hoiles, David Forbes and Julie Potts
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:30
  6. The Binge Eating Scale (BES) questionnaire is a self-administered instrument developed to identify binge eaters. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the Malay language version of BES as a scree...

    Authors: Sarah Anne Robert, Abdul Ghani Rohana, Zainudin Suehazlyn, Thambu Maniam, Shah Shamsul Azhar and Kamaruddin Nor Azmi
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:28
  7. To describe the rates, indications, and adverse effects of psychotropic drug prescription in a specialist tertiary hospital child and adolescent eating disorder service.

    Authors: Julia K Moore, Hunna J Watson, Emily Harper, Julie McCormack and Thinh Nguyen
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:27
  8. Objective binge eating episodes (OBEs) refer to binge eating on an unusually large amount of food and are the core symptom in current definitions of bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED). Subjec...

    Authors: Marly Amorim Palavras, Christina Marcondes Morgan, Ferrari Maria Beatriz Borges, Angélica Medeiros Claudino and Phillipa J Hay
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:26
  9. Both eating disorders (EDs) and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) are disorders of body image. This study aimed to assess the presence, predictive utility, and impact of clinical features commonly associated with...

    Authors: Deborah Mitchison, Rocco Crino and Phillipa Hay
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:20
  10. In the world of today’s of ever-briefer therapies and interventions, people often seem more interested in outcome than process. This paper focuses on the processes used by a multidisciplinary team in the journ...

    Authors: Moria Golan
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:19
  11. Weight-control behaviour is commonly observed in a wide range of elite sports, especially leanness sports, where control over body weight is crucial for high peak performance. Nonetheless, there is only a fine...

    Authors: Anne Werner, Ansgar Thiel, Sven Schneider, Jochen Mayer, Katrin E Giel and Stephan Zipfel
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:18
  12. Body image disturbance is a core feature of anorexia nervosa (AN). Attitudinal and cognitive biases as well as fundamental perceptual differences have been hypothesized to play a role in this disturbance.

    Authors: Amanda Waldman, Rachel Loomes, Victoria A Mountford and Kate Tchanturia
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:17
  13. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) traits and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are commonly associated with patients with Anorexia Nervosa (AN). The aim of this review was to systematically se...

    Authors: Sarah Young, Paul Rhodes, Stephen Touyz and Phillipa Hay
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:16
  14. This study evaluated the score reliability and equivalence of factor structure of the Sociocultural Attitudes towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) [1] in a sample of female college students from the four ...

    Authors: Cortney S Warren, David H Gleaves and Liya M Rakhkovskaya
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:14
  15. The resumption of menses (ROM) is considered an important clinical marker in weight restoration for patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). The purpose of this study was to examine ROM in relation to expected bod...

    Authors: Julianne P Faust, Andrea B Goldschmidt, Kristen E Anderson, Catherine Glunz, Melanie Brown, Katharine L Loeb, Debra K Katzman and Daniel Le Grange
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:12
  16. Given recent assertions suggesting that gender role endorsement may be relevant in the divergence of male body image concerns, this study examined the self-reported gender role endorsement in opposing dimensio...

    Authors: Stuart B Murray, Elizabeth Rieger, Lisa Karlov and Stephen W Touyz
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:11
  17. Previous research has documented that self-objectification is associated with numerous negative outcomes including body shame, eating disorder (ED) pathology, and negative affect. This exploratory open study i...

    Authors: Carolyn Black Becker, Kaitlin Hill, Rebecca Greif, Hongmei Han and Tiffany Stewart
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:10
  18. The upcoming DSM5 will impact clinical work and research substantially, and we here point to a few problems that may have been overlooked. These concern inconsistencies and lack of clarity, and the future “not...

    Authors: Andreas Birgegård, Gaby Groß, Joakim de Man Lapidoth and Claes Norring
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:8
  19. Research indicates that body dissatisfaction is correlated with and often predictive of both physical and mental health problems. “Fat talk,” a well-studied form of body image talk in adolescents and universit...

    Authors: Carolyn Black Becker, Phillippa C Diedrichs, Glen Jankowski and Chelsey Werchan
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:6
  20. The prevalence of eating disorders in the non-Western world appears to be increasing and much research into the cross-cultural aspects of eating disorders is needed. This bibliometric study analyses the profil...

    Authors: Nerissa Li-Wey Soh and Garry Walter
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:4
  21. Weight bias is widespread and has numerous harmful consequences. The internalization of weight bias has been associated with significant psychological impairment. Other forms of discrimination, such as racial ...

    Authors: Janet D Latner, Laura E Durso and Jonathan M Mond
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:3
  22. Body dissatisfaction is a robust risk factor for disordered eating and is thought to be especially problematic in the presence of high levels of perfectionism. The aim of the current study was to investigate w...

    Authors: Tracey D Wade and Marika Tiggemann
    Citation: Journal of Eating Disorders 2013 1:2

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