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Table 4 Psychiatric comorbidities among adolescents and young adults hospitalized for an eating disorder by gender identity

From: Transgender and other gender diverse adolescents with eating disorders requiring medical stabilization


Gender diversea (n = 10)

Cisgender (n = 453)



40.0 (4)

30.0 (136)


History of suicidalityd

40.0 (4)

21.9 (99)



60.0 (6)

28.0 (127)


  1. Table values are column percentage (n)
  2. aGender diverse refers to transgender, non-binary, gender fluid, and other
  3. bFisher’s exact test was used for categorical variables as n < 5
  4. cDepression includes diagnoses of major depressive disorder, depressive disorder not otherwise specified, and unspecified depression
  5. dHistory of suicidality includes history of suicide attempt, suicidal ideation or self-injurious behavior
  6. eAnxiety includes diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, anxiety not otherwise specified, and unspecified anxiety
  7. Bold indicates P < 0.05