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Table 1 Definition of terms

From: Medical considerations in the care of transgender and gender diverse patients with eating disorders


When someone’s gender identity is incongruent with their sex recorded at birth


When someone’s gender identity is congruent with their sex recorded at birth

Gender identity

A person's inward sense of their sex

Gender diverse

A term to describe when one’s gender identity does not fit solely within the “male” or “female” gender binary

Sex recorded at birth

The sex recorded on the birth certificate

Gender expression

The outward presentation of an individual’s gender, which may include things like clothes, hairstyle, behavior, and interests

Gender affirming hormone treatment (GAHT)

Medication that replaces the sex hormone profile with one that corresponds with a person’s gender identity in order to achieve physical characteristics that are more aligned with an individual’s gender identity

Gender affirming surgery

Surgical interventions that seek to align physical characteristics with an individual’s gender identity

Social affirmation

Changes to an individual’s name, pronouns, clothing and appearance to align with their gender identity

Legal affirmation

Changes made to legal documents such as birth certificates, school documents and passports with updated names and gender markers