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Table 5 Example excerpts demonstrating how agreement with the model was determined

From: Lived experience perspectives on a definition of eating disorder recovery in a sample of predominantly white women: a mixed method study



Example quotations

Full recovery


Individual uses language that suggests that they agree with the full recovery criteria (e.g., it fits)

Individual does not use language indicating disagreement or ambivalence toward the definition

That definitely, that definitely like matches

I would say it’s like pretty spot on kind of what I would imagine full recovery to be

 Do not agree

Individual uses language indicating that they do not agree with the full recovery criteria (e.g., it does not fit)

Um so I think that definition is absolute bullshit

 Agree with parts

Individual describes parts of the definition that they like and parts that they do not like

It makes sense as a textbook definition. Uh funny I didn’t realize they called it full recovery and partial. Um yeah it makes sense textbook, uh I think um living it though um and hearing full recovery without the definition is a bit deceiving

Well in those terms, I think that the thoughts and behaviours are definitely more important than the actual weight

Partial recovery


Individual uses language that suggests that they agree with the partial recovery criteria

Individual does not use language indicating disagreement or ambivalence toward the definition

That’s a good term for like when I was like halfway through you know being weight restored or like you know as soon as you’re like weight restored but then there’s that like lag to catch up with the thinking

 Do not agree

Individual uses language indicating that they do not agree with the partial recovery criteria

I don’t really think I like that term. It’s kind of like, I don’t know, you can’t- you can’t partially recover from like an ill- like an illness. Like you’re either recovering still or you’re recovered like there’s a 1 or 2

No that’s not good no. That, that is exactly that is a bit like using a BMI to judge someone, no I don’t like that

 Agree with parts

Individual describes parts of the definition that they like and parts that they do not like

I suppose it, it makes sense. Although I feel like, it’s a bit ridiculous to expect someone to be in partial recovery and not to any behaviours whatsoever for 3 months. I feel like there would be aspects to that, that um I feel like if you’re still having those very intense thoughts, the behaviours would more than likely be in there?