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Table 5 Correlations among COVID-19-related and general psychometric parameters

From: The emotional-behavioral state of Israeli adolescent and young adult females with anorexia nervosa during the COVID19 pandemic

General parameters

Pandemic-specific indices

Pandemic-related stress (PRSF)

Functioning during COVID-19

Health condition during COVID-19

Mental state during COVID-19

Eating disorder symptoms (EAT-26)


− 0.492***

− 0.191 ns

− 0.379**

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD-7)


− 0.493***

− 0.226 ns

− 0.385**

Depression (PHQ-9)


− 0.572***

− 0.264 ns

− 0.429***

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PC-PTSD-5)


− 0.530***

− 0.371***

− 0.570***

Resilience (CD-RISC-10)

− 0.239*


0.176 ns

0.083 ns

  1. *p < .05; **p < .001; ***p < .0001; ns = not significant
  2. EAT-26 Eating attitudes test-26; GAD-7 Generalized anxiety disorder 7; PHQ-9 Patient health questionnaire-9 (Depression Module); PC-PTSD-5 Primary care post-traumatic stress disorder screen for DSM-5; PRSF Pandemic‐related stress factors; CD-RISC-10 Connor-Davidson resilience scale-10