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Table 1 Sample characteristics

From: An exploratory study of associations between the ICD-11 personality disorder model and eating pathology

Age (years), M

35.26 (SD = 12.83, range = 18 to 75)

Gender, n (%)


755 (85%)


124 (14%)


8 (1%)

 Not disclosed

1 (< 1%)

Highest educational qualification

 High school degree

569 (64%)

 University or college degree

318 (36%)

 Not disclosed

1 (< 1%)

Occupational status

 Employed or self-employed

476 (54%)

 Students or trainees

287 (32%)

 Currently not working (e.g., unemployment, retirement)

120 (14%)

 Not disclosed

5 (< 1%)

Personality dysfunction, M (SD)

24.24 (6.31)

Negative affectivity, M (SD)

34.44 (8.17)

Detachment, M (SD)

26.56 (8.00)

Dissociality, M (SD)

24.21 (6.35)

Disinhibition, M (SD)

25.76 (6.58)

Anankastia, M (SD)

39.11 (6.66)

Drive for thinness, M (SD)

21.19 (8.92)

Bulimia, M (SD)

13.83 (6.19)

Body dissatisfaction, M (SD)

32.51 (12.04)

Orthorexia, M (SD)

18.13 (5.50)

Binge eating, M (SD)

27.85 (8.93)

  1. M = mean, SD = standard deviation