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Table 6 Imagery rescripting program for emerging adults (18–25 years)

From: Virtual prevention of eating disorders in children, adolescents, and emerging adults: a scoping review


Type of Study

Sample Size




Zhou et al. [49]


General female university students

n = 28 BIR

n = 31 GIR

n = 34 Psychoeducation

n = 25 Control

BIR and GIR: asked to write about an earlier memory, in first and third person; to practice imagery rescripting for 5 min/day for a week

Psychoeducation: received a handout (how EDs affect brain) and 10 min learning quiz

Control: asked to let their mind wander for 10 min after negative mood induction


BIR, GIR, and psychoeducation had significant impact on global eating psychopathology and body acceptance. BIR improved self-compassion and fear of self-compassion (e.g., fears of unworthiness, becoming ‘weak’) and GIR improved dysfunctional attitudes (clinical perfectionism and low self-esteem) compared to control. Additionally, BIR was found to improve self-compassion only compared to psychoeducation (but not control)

Pennesi and Wade [50]


Female university students at-risk of EDs

n = 37 Imagery rescripting

n = 35 Cognitive dissonance

n = 35 Control

Imagery Rescripting: wrote a past memory of an unpleasant body experience and how their body looked from an observer’s perspective and in the present with self-compassion

Cognitive Dissonance: read a definition of the thin-ideal stereotype for women and viewed accompanying images; brainstormed consequences of pursuing this ideal and positive attributes about themselves

Control: Participants asked to let their mind wander


Findings provide some qualified support for the imagery rescripting techniques over the dissonance-based techniques and control conditions. Imagery rescripting was associated with significant improvements in body image acceptance compared to the cognitive dissonance condition, but not compared to the control condition. Imagery rescripting was associated with significant improvements in self-compassion and levels of disordered eating compared to the control condition but not compared to the cognitive dissonance condition

  1. RCT randomized controlled trial, BIR body image rescripting, GIR general image rescripting, ED eating disorder, WCS weight concerns scale, EDE-Q eating disorder questionnaire, BI-AAQ body image acceptance and action questionnaire, SCS self-compassion scale, FCS fear of self-compassion scale, PANAS positive and negative affect schedule, BISS body image state scales, CIA clinical impairment assessment questionnaire, DASS-21 depression, anxiety, and stress scale-short form (21 items)