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Table 10 Internet-based chatrooms (with synchronous discussion groups) for children and adolescents (< 18 years)

From: Virtual prevention of eating disorders in children, adolescents, and emerging adults: a scoping review


Type of Study

Sample Size




Heinicke et al. [56]


Adolescent females self-identifying as having body image or eating problems

n = 28 intervention

n = 34 delayed treatment control

My Body, My Life: Body Image Program for Adolescent Girls: 6, 90-min weekly small group (4–8) synchronous sessions led by a therapist and manual based on cognitive-behavioural principles and psychoeducation; conducted online in a secured chatroom

BSQ-short form, BMI, BCS, DEBQ-R, EWLB, EDI-B, SATAQ-3, BDI-SF, qualitative evaluation (assessing thoughts on internet delivery mode, practicality, etc.)

Among intervention completers, clinically significant improvements in body dissatisfaction (BSQ-SF), disordered eating (DEBQ-R), and depression (BDI-SF) were observed at post-intervention and maintained at follow-up (2 and 6 months). Internet delivery was enthusiastically endorsed: 65% reported preferring to participate in a program delivered via internet; 15% would prefer face-to-face. 42.3% felt comfortable sharing with a group; 77% felt program markedly/moderately improved their body image

  1. RCT randomized controlled trial, BSQ body shape questionnaire, BMI body mass index, BCS body comparison scale, DEBQ-R Dutch eating behaviour questionnaire-restraint, EWLB extreme weight loss behaviours scale, EDI-B eating disorder inventory-bulimia subscale, SATAQ-3 sociocultural attitudes towards appearance scale-3, BDI-SF Beck depression inventory-short form