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Table 1 Outlining the seven phases of Meta-Ethnography [21]

From: “The male elephant in the room”: a qualitative evidence synthesis exploring male experiences of eating disorders



1. Getting started

Identify an area of interest whilst considering if a synthesis of the topic is required

2. Deciding what is relevant

Selecting studies for inclusion in the synthesis. Making decisions regarding inclusion, exclusion and assessing quality

3. Reading the studies

Repeated reading of the studies whilst extracting key concepts

4. Determining how the studies are related

Exploring the relationship between the extracted key concepts to enable an understanding of how the studies are interconnected

5. Translating the studies into one another

Exploring the key concepts across all studies, looking for presence or absence of key concepts

6. Synthesising translations

Creating concepts across studies. Exploring the relationship between studies and deciding if synthesis is refutational, reciprocal or line of argument

7. Expressing the synthesis

Compiling the synthesis and delivering it to the intended audience.