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Table 2 Major presenting problems identified by participants

From: Working with families of adults affected by eating disorders: uptake, key themes, and participant experiences of family involvement in outpatient treatment-as-usual


Patient examples

Carer examples

Eating disorder assistance

Support around mealtimes, especially during the holidays. Balance between enough support and not ‘policing’

Good eating habits and a healthy weight which will help with her state of mind. Organise the eating disorder plan so {she} can keep getting help

Communication issues

Communicating more in times of a lot of stress, leads to problems and having arguments

Finding out what’s going on and what I need to know without sounding like an interrogator

Emotional impact

The impact my mental health has had on my family. I feel very guilty, I think that’s why I like to stay thinner or a certain size because I don’t want to embarrass them by being fat

Knowing how to not get angry at {partners} ED behaviour

Providing support

Getting support without feeling I’m being told what to do, with my experiences being validated

Learn how to be a better support for my partner from my partner

Relationship effects

Dieting in the past perhaps impacting on potential for healthiest relationship – i.e., shared relationship around food (would like it to be positive)

Helping in a way that keeps our relationship healthy

Future progress

Learning how to communicate my needs and emotions during recovery and moving forward. Speaking up on the bad days so I can prevent relapse

Once the program finishes, what resources are available to continue with progress made. How can I identify and help with any potential relapse?


Not being able to carry out good behaviours at home


Other family members


General moodiness when visiting. Affects the other children, especially the youngest