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Table 2 Associations between overall most and least helpful therapy experiences and therapist/treatment qualities

From: Associations between therapy experiences and perceived helpfulness of treatment for people with eating disorders

Therapist/Treatment qualities

MH Overall helpfulness

LH overall helpfulness

Spearman’s rho (p)

Treatment approaches that took into account participant treatment preferences and provided freedom of choice around change

0.543* (< 0.005)

0.537* (< 0.005)

Therapist perceived to have understood them and addressed their concerns

0.641* (< 0.005)

0.654* (< 0.005)

Therapist perceived to have instilled hope

0.718* (< 0.005)

0.606* (< 0.005)

Change retrospectively identified as important or possible

0.179* (0.006)

0.128 (0.052)

  1. *Correlation significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)