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Table 3 Research using ML to detect eating disorder risk via physiological predictors

From: Potential benefits and limitations of machine learning in the field of eating disorders: current research and future directions



Predictors variables

Outcome variables

Best performing ML approach

Explanatory power of best performing model


Cerasa et al. [50]

36 females, with an ED diagnosis (n = 17) or body mass index-matched healthy controls (n = 17)

Structural magnetic resonance images

ED status

Support vector machine


Small sample size

Cyr et al. [52]

84 female adolescents, who met criteria for BN (n = 28), subclinical BN (SBN; n = 16), or healthy controls (HC; n = 40)

Functional magnetic resonance images of fronto-striatal regions during performance of a Simon task

ED status

Support vector machine

BN v. HC = 58%

SBN v. HC = 64%

Train BN v. HC, Test SBN v. HC = 66%

Small sample

Guo et al. [57]

13,206 adolescent and adult females, who have AN (n = 3940) or healthy controls (n = 9266)

Whole genome genotyping data

AN status

Logistic regression with LASSO penalty



Ioannidis et al. [70]

3937 observations from 36 AN inpatients

Physiological parameters, blood investigations over a 1-year period

Medical risk defined by independent clinical rates of deteriorating cases

Random forest


Small sample

Lavagnino et al. [55]

30 females, with an AN diagnosis (n = 15) or demographically matched healthy controls (n = 15)

Structural neuroimaging scans

ED status

Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)


Small sample

Lavagnino et al. [54]

67 adult females, who have restrictive-type AN (n = 19), who have recovered from restrictive-type AN (n = 24), or healthy controls (n = 24)

Structural brain scans to test cortical thickness

ED status

Linear relevance vector machine

AN v. HC = 74%

Small sample

Strigo et al. [53]

1 adolescent female with mixed ED, depressive, and gastrointestinal symptoms

Functional magnetic resonance images during a pain anticipation program and psychological survey responses created on previous samples

Which diagnostic phenotype most closely approximates the patient

Support vector machine

56% based on brain activation

84% based on psychological variables

Case study

Weygandt et al. [51]

70 females, who met criteria for binge eating disorder (BED; n = 17), or bulimia nervosa (BN; n = 14), or normal-weight controls (C-NW; n = 19) or overweight controls (C-OW; n = 17)

Functional imaging from a whole-body tomograph while viewing food or neutral images

ED status

Support vector machine

BED v. C-NW = 86%

BN v. C-NW = 78%

BED v. C-OW = 71%

BN v. C-OW = 86%

BED v. BN = 84%

Small sample size

  1. ED, eating disorder; AN, anorexia nervosa; BN, bulimia nervosa; BED, binge eating disorder; HC, healthy controls; ML, machine learning