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Table 1 Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics

From: Validating the family coping questionnaire for eating disorders for caregivers of Japanese patients with eating disorders: association between coping strategies and psychological characteristics

Patients' socio-demographic and clinical characteristics (N = 109)

 Gender, F, % (N)

98.2 (107)

 Age, M (SD)

24.6 (9.6)

 Duration of the illness, months, M (SD)

70.8 (77.9)

 BMI, kg/m2, M (SD)

15.6 (3.9)

 Age of onset, M (SD)

18.6 (7.2)

Caregivers' socio-demographic characteristics (N = 150)

 Gender, F, % (N)

65.3 (98)

 Age, M (SD)

51.1 (12.0)

Relationship with the patient, % (N)


60.7 (91)


22.7 (34)


9.3 (14)


4.7 (7)


2.0 (3)


0.7 (1)

Diagnosis of patients being cared for by Caregivers (N = 150), % (N)

 Anorexia nervosa restricting type (AN-R)

53.3 (80)

 Anorexia nervosa binge-eating/purging (AN-BP)

34.7 (52)

 Bulimia nervosa (BN)

10.0 (15)

 Binge-eating disorder (BED)

1.3 (2)


0.7 (1)