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Table 4 Main and interaction effects and effect sizes for each dependent variable (early risk factors) (η2, p)

From: Prevalence and early risk factors for bulimia nervosa symptoms in inner-city youth: gender and ethnicity perspectives


Main and interaction effects (Wilks’ lambda, F(df), η2, p)

Depressive symptoms

Anxiety symptoms

Somatic complaints

Posttraumatic stress

Sensation seeking


.984; 8.97 (5, 2776); .016; p < .001

.001, ns

.008, < .001

.000, ns

.001, ns

.000, ns

Free lunch

.987; 7.11 (5, 2776); .013; p < .001

.006, < .001

.001, ns

.007, < .001

.009, < .001

.000, ns


. 988; 6.72 (5, 2776); .012; p < .001

.005, < .001

.001, ns

.004, < .01

.002, < .05

.004, < .01

Probable BN†

.991; 4.82 (5, 2776), .009; p < .001

.005, < .001

.003, < .01

.005, < .001

.006, < .01

.001, ns


996; 1.17 (10, 5552); .002; ns

.001, ns

.002, ns

.001, ns

.002, ns

.000, ns

Probable BN† x Gender

.997; 1.42 (5, 2776); .003; ns

.000, ns

.001, ns

.000, ns

.000, ns

.002, < .05

Probable BN† x Ethnicity

.997; .83 (10, 5552); .001; ns

.001, ns

.001, ns

.000, ns

.001, ns

.000, ns

Gender x Ethnicity

995; 1.40 (10, 5552); .003; ns

.001, ns

.001, ns

.003, < .05

.003, < .01

.000, ns

Probable BN† x Gender x Ethnicity

.994; 1.74 (10, 5552); .003; p = .048

.001, ns

.001, ns

.003, < .05

.003, < .05

.002, ns

  1. Probable BN†—Probable Bulimia Nervosa