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Table 2 Population Characteristics and Key Findings in Studies of OXTR rs53576 or rs2254298 and ED behaviour

From: Review of eating disorders and oxytocin receptor polymorphisms

Review Subsection



Summary of Study Findings - rs53576

Summary of Study Findings - rs225498

OXTR Variants and ED

Connelly et al. [54]

Community sample of females

GG genotype more likely to have engaged in vomiting or laxative use as weight loss strategy


Micali et al. [55]

Community sample of females

A allele negatively correlated to binging/purging behaviours, GG genotype was at increased risk of engaging in binging and purging

A allele carriers at increased odds of restrictive eating/purging

A allele carriers who had experienced poor maternal care at increased odds of binging purging

Kim et al. [56]

Females (age range not specified)

with AN, BN and HC

G allele positively associated with BN, stronger association observed in those with AG genotype


Acevedo et al. [57]

Adult females with AN, BN and HC

Positive association between A allele carriers of either/both SNPs and severity of ED symptomatology

In those with previous AN, A allele carrier status increased severity of cognitions and eating behaviours

Davis et al. [58]

Community sample of adults

No significant effects for either SNP

OXTR and Brain Structure/Function

Sala et al. [59]

Adult females with, or recovered from, AN


Reduced activation of brain areas underpinning social salience and reflection observed in A allele carriers

Greater negative connectivity observed in A allele carriers