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Table 3 Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome symptoms by the level of severity (n = 289)

From: Binge eating symptoms are associated with the severity of premenstrual symptoms among university students, cross sectional study from Palestine







n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

Psychological symptoms

 Depressed mood

44 (15.2)

99 (34.3)

85 (29.4)

61 (21.1)

245 (84.7)


80 (27.7)

92 (31.8)

75 (26.0)

42 (14.5)

209 (72.3)

 Guilt feeling

125 (43.3)

86 (29.8)

47 (16.3)

31 (10.7)

164 (56.7)

 Anxiety/ worry

39 (13.5)

101 (34.9)

93 (32.2)

56 (19.4)

250 (86.5)

 Affective labiality

47 (16.3)

77 (26.6)

87 (30.1)

78 (27.0)

242 (83.7)

 Increased sensitivity toward others

62 (21.5)

92 (31.8)

70 (24.2)

65 (22.5)

227 (78.5)

 Anger feelings

34 (11.8)

87 (30.1)

92 (31.8)

76 (26.3)

255 (88.2)

 Easily irritated/ agitated

59 (20.4)

74 (25.6)

86 (29.8)

70 (24.2)

230 (79.6)

 Lack of interest

38 (13.1)

89 (30.8)

92 (31.8)

70 (24.2)

251 (86.9)

 Difficulty concentrating

60 (20.8)

111 (38.4)

66 (22.8)

52 (18.0)

229 (79.2)

 Loss of control

75 (26.0)

86 (29.8)

62 (21.5)

66 (22.8)

214 (74.0)

 Feeling overwhelmed

69 (23.9)

84 (29.1)

76 (26.3)

60 (20.8)

220 (76.1)

Physical symptoms

 Lethargy/ fatigue/ decreased energy

29 (10.0)

101 (34.9)

75 (26.0)

84 (29.1)

260 (90.0)

 Increased appetite

83 (28.7)

105 (36.3)

53 (18.3)

48 (16.6)

206 (71.3)

 Craving certain foods

81 (28.0)

104 (36.0)

51 (17.6)

53 (18.3)

208 (72.0)


58 (20.1)

104 (36.0)

73 (25.3)

54 (18.7)

231 (79.9)


71 (24.6)

101 (34.9)

69 (23.9)

48 (16.6)

218 (75.4)

 Breast tenderness

113 (39.1)

84 (29.1)

39 (13.5)

53 (18.3)

176 (60.9)

 Breast engorgement or weight gain

109 (37.7)

83 (28.7)

45 (15.6)

52 (18.0)

180 (62.3)


61 (21.1)

92 (31.8)

71 (24.6)

65 (22.5)

228 (78.9)

 Muscle, joint, abdominal, and back pain

45 (15.6)

82 (28.4)

68 (23.5)

94 (32.5)

244 (84.4)


69 (23.9)

81 (28.0)

71 (24.6)

68 (23.5)

220 (76.1)

Behavioural symptoms

 Symptoms interfering with


104 (36.0)

82 (28.4)

59 (20.4)

44 (15.2)

185 (64.0)

  Work or school

114 (39.4)

84 (29.1)

60 (20.8)

31 (10.7)

175 (60.6)

 Overall psychological symptoms

33 (11.4)

107 (37.0)

101 (34.9)

48 (16.6)

256 (88.6)

 Overall physical symptoms

28 (9.7)

128 (44.3)

88 (30.4)

45 (15.6)

261 (90.3)

 Overall assessment of behavioural symptoms

85 (29.4)

89 (30.8)

81 (28.0)

34 (11.8)

204 (70.6)

  1. aSum of mild, moderate, and severe symptoms only