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Table 3 The univariate associations of demographic and clinical characteristics with TSQ and the 6-item measure of patients’ perspectives towards the transition to online treatment (N = 63)

From: The abrupt transition from face-to-face to online treatment for eating disorders: a pilot examination of patients’ perspectives during the COVID-19 lockdown


TSQ similarity

TSQ quality

Perspectives towards the transition to online treatment

Demographic characteristics


r =




p =





r =




p =





r =




p =




Clinical characteristics

 BMI (last measured), Kg/m2

r =




p =




 Duration of treatment, days

r =




p =




 Past ED hospitalization

t =




p =




  1. Note: Perspectives towards the transition to online treatment were measured using the six items developed for the current study. A higher score represents more positive attitude towards the transition. Bold font indicates statistically significant results (p-value< 0.05). Abbreviations: TSQ Telemedicine Satisfaction Questionnaire, BMI body mass index, ED eating disorder