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Table 6 Provided feedback per condition, per coaching strategy

From: Application of three different coaching strategies through a virtual coach for people with emotional eating: a vignette study


Coaching strategy

Provided feedback



‘Well done Anita, that you left the cookies in the tin. I do know how difficult that is. You have every reason to be proud of yourself.’



‘Hi Lisanne, so sorry you had a binge. I understand that you had a craving for comfort food after a day like this. It is quite understandable you feel awful now.’



‘Hi Anita, try to hang on to the feeling you are experiencing right now, and try to recall it next time you’re about to give in to eating.’



‘Hi Lisanne, so good you contacted me! Don’t be angry with yourself, it takes time to make a change. Grant yourself that time. What could you do to get rid of that bad feeling and move on from there?’



‘Hi Anita, so good you didn’t touch the cookies. I know how hard that is. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Try to stick to the feeling you are experiencing right now, and try to remember that right now you are about to cave to snacking.’



‘Hi Lisanne, so sorry you had a binge. After a day like this, you obviously feel a need to eat and feel comforted. Don’t be angry with yourself. The challenge now is to take good care of yourself. What could you do to get rid of that bad feeling and move on from there?’