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Table 2 Pearson bivariate correlations among variables

From: What happens when you compare yourself to a model eating a cheeseburger? An experiment testing the impact of models promoting calorie-dense foods on beliefs about weight maintenance, body satisfaction, and purchase intent








1. BMI


2. Model WMA



3. Self WMA




4. People WMA





5. Body Satisfaction Change













7. Purchase Intent







  1. BMI Body mass index, Model WMA Celebrity, model, or athlete in the ad can consume the advertised product regularly and still maintain their weight/shape without changing exercise, Self WMA Participant can consume the advertised product regularly and still maintain their weight/shape without changing exercise, People WMA Most people can consume the advertised product regularly and still maintain their weight/shape without changing exercise, Body Satisfaction Change (post-minus-pre), BISS Body Image States Scale
  2. *p < .05, **p < .01