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Table 1 Labels

From: Identifying fundamental criteria for eating disorder recovery: a systematic review and qualitative meta-analysis

Health criteria


1. Eating disorder pathology

 ED behavior/cognitions

Improvement/absence of ED related behavior (bingeing/purging, slimming,) and cognitions (more relaxed/normal thoughts/affect regarding food/weight/exercising).

 ED body evaluation

More relaxed regarding body/weight (satisfaction/evaluation).

 ED physical functions

Improvement in BMI and/or other physical functions.

2. Emotional well-being

 Avowed happiness

Feeling happy, feeling joy, enjoyment.

 Positive affect

Feeling cheerful, in good spirits, calm, and peaceful, satisfied, and full of life.

 Avowed life satisfaction

Feeling satisfied with life in general or specific areas of one’s life.

3. Psychological well-being


Holding positive attitudes towards oneself and past life and conceding and accepting varied aspects of self, holding a compassionate attitude towards self. a Having self-respect. Having feelings of self-worth or self-esteem/confidence. Taking self-care.

 Environmental mastery

Exhibiting the capability to manage a complex environment, and the ability to choose or manage and mould environments to one’s needs.

 Positive relationships with others

Having warm, satisfying, trusting personal relationships and being capable of empathy and intimacy and being open and personal to others.

 Personal growth

Showing insight into one’s own self and potential, having a sense of development, and being open to new and challenging experiences. a Identity formation/integration: Having a sense of integration of several/all aspects of self and or formation of (healthy/autonomous) aspects of self.


Exhibiting a self-direction that is often guided by one’s own socially accepted and conventional internal standards and resisting unsavory social pressures. a Self-determination, independence, and the regulation of behavior from within [81]. Autonomy as used in self-determination theory means acting with the experience of choice [39].

 Purpose in life

Holding goals and beliefs that affirm one’s sense of direction in life and feeling that life had a purpose and meaning.

4. Social well-being

 Social contribution

Feeling that one’s own life is useful to society and that the output of one’s activities is valued by or valuable to others.

 Social integration

Having a sense of belonging to a community and deriving comfort and support from that community.

 Social actualization

Believing that people, social groups, and society have potential and can evolve or grow positively.

 Social acceptance

Having a positive attitude towards others while acknowledging and

accepting people’s differences and their complexity.

 Social coherence

Being interested in society or social life, and feeling that society and culture are intelligible, somewhat logical, predictable, and meaningful.

5. Miscellaneous labels


Copingstrategies/resilience/empowerment/willpower/persistance/emotion-regulation, (Healthy) strategies to cope with emotions and difficult life situations.

 Spiritual integration

Having a sense of being part of, or in contact with a higher power

(Universe, God, Jesus, other) and deriving comfort and support from that. Exercises/activities that promote this: meditation, going to Church, praying etc.

  1. Note: well-being descriptions are published earlier in [29, 31], a = added descriptions to the original labels