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Table 3 Correlations between the ANSOCQ scales and further eating disorder characteristics

From: Motivation to change, coping, and self-esteem in adolescent anorexia nervosa: a validation study of the Anorexia Nervosa Stages of Change Questionnaire (ANSOCQ)


Mean (SD)

ANSOCQ scale 1

ANSOCQ scale 2

ANSOCQ total score


16.42 (0.75)




BMI (age corrected z-score)

−1.78 (0.75)




Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2)

 Drive for thinness

26.97 (9.86)





13.00 (6.39)




 Body dissatisfaction

33.14 (10.58)





26.91 (7.97)





18.89 (6.26)




 Interpersonal distrust

19.00 (5.63)




 Interoceptive awareness

30.72 (9.51)




 Maturity fears

24.96 (6.66)





20.12 (6.28)




 Impulse regulation

25.16 (7.47)




 Social insecurity

22.79 (6.62)




Eating Attitudes (EAT)


14.34 (10.20)





5.03 (3.53)




 Oral control

9.60 (4.79)




Body Image Questionnaire (BIQ)


26.60 (8.60)





21.77 (6.79)




  1. * = significance (two sided), p < .05, ** = significance (two sided), p < .01, *** = significance (two sided), p < .001