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Table 5 Table showing the answers posed by those answering“ yes” to only one of the SCOFF questions

From: SCOFF in a general swedish adolescent population


Total sample












Do you make yourself sick (vomit) because you feel uncomfortably full?








3.9 %

96.1 %

4.8 %

95.2 %

2.4 %

97.6 %

Do you worry that you have lost control over how much you eat?








18.7 %

81.4 %

11.3 %

88.7 %

28.2 %

71.8 %

Have you recently lost more than one stone (15 pounds) (ca 6.8 kg) in a 3 month period?








16.9 %

83.1 %

23.4 %

76.6 %

9.4 %

90.6 %

Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are thin?








21.9 %

78.1 %

27.1 %

72.9 %

11.9 %

88.1 %

Would you say that food dominates your life?








40.6 %

59.4 %

35.5 %

64.5 %

50 %

50 %

  1. *p = < .01 ** p = < .001*** p = < .0001