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Table 3 Alternate mediation models summary: SASB as independent variable (X), DERS as mediator (M), and five different ED-related measures as dependent variables (outcomes; Y)

From: Emotion dysregulation, self-image and eating disorder symptoms in University Women

Outcome variable

Total effect (c)



Direct effect (c’)



Indirect effect (ab)


95 % CIs

EDE-Q Global score (EDE-Q)









−.091 to .013

Objective binge eating episodes (OBE)









−.148 to .072

Subjective binge eating episodes (SBE)









−.133 to .081

Regular excessive exercise (Reg. EE)









−.101 to .105

Any excessive exercise (Any EE)









−.127 to .055

  1. All coefficients are unstandardized and expressed in the metric of the outcome variable
  2. CIs = bias-corrected bootstrapped confidence intervals based on 10000 bootstrap samples